I am always on the lookout for the next good idea. This one crossed my path a few months ago and I was in the midst of the Eat To Live olive oil is evil phase of my weight loss journey. Now that I have landed in a more main stream territory, I was happy to read the Sonoma Diet book again.
I have paraphrased it for coffee room conversations this week.
No, it isn't the drink lots of wine diet -- although that did make me crack a smile.
This plan is almost exactly like Eat Clean diet (lifestyle) without the eating every three hours.
Here's what it looked like Monday and Tuesday
Breakfast - scrambled egg and slice of whole grain toast
Lunch - hearty home made chicken soup
Dinner - bed of lettuce with curry chicken and rice
Tuesday is a lot like Monday but I reversed the lunch and dinner.
So far I am feeling really good.
By really good, I mean my energy is steady and I am not feeling food deprived.
The first 10 days of the plan are without fruit, alcohol and starchy veggies. No processed foods are part of the plan even after 10 days.
Simple, enjoyable and the scale is doing that thing it does when you shake up your system.
You are amazing!