I wanted to find a picture that would capture what waking up in the morning could be like at it's best. If I were staying at the resort pictured to the right, I'd wake up in the morning happy to be alive.
Most mornings I wake up before the sun and I know if I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling and said, "Do I feel like going to work today?" I'd probably find the answer would be no more often than not. It's not that I don't love my job -- it's just getting out of a nice warm bed can be less appealing than sleeping in.
I don't ask myself if I feel like going to work because I know most days I would be able to think of at least one hundred things I'd rather do among them "sleeping in, staying in bed, reading a book, playing with the kids, hanging out with my husband, going to the beach, going for a walk, going shopping..." and on and on. I don't give myself the option not to get up, get out of bed and go to work. It used to be called having a work ethic. Maybe you've heard of it?
Maybe you do this too. If you do have to get out of bed every morning like it or not and do something, then I know you can change your habits in the kitchen, regarding snacking, eating out, and going to the gym.
How do I know this about you?
Well, if you have a job, then you know how to find things you enjoy about working and hopefully you show up happy to be where you are, you do the stuff you need to do, and you'll do it today, and you'll do it again tomorrow. If the drive to earn a salary and have money is one that motivates you to go to work, if you have to pay the bills or if you stay home and raise children, if you have to watch the kids; then you understand that there are some choices that aren't really choices.
If you want to hire yourself to take on a new million dollar project called, how to do less and have more happiness, be healthier, look better, and live longer... then guess what "You're Hired!"
Yes, that is right, why not hire yourself to be your own best friend? Decide that there are a few things you are doing that aren't helpful to your longer term goal of being healthier and happier. This is your personal performance review. You're great. You're amazing. We think you are doing a great job... but you aren't taking wonderful care of yourself and that needs to change. I like Debbie Reynold's, "It doesn't matter how good you look, you can always look better, you can always feel better." as she starts her "Doing it Debbie's Way" exercise video (yes video before the invention of DVDs).
So, hire yourself and come up with some short term goals.
There are a lot of different goals you could have regarding your health and/or weight-loss. Think about what motivates you and start collecting a second income -- called health, beauty, happiness, and longevity. And it is TAX FREE!! Gotta love that.
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