Today's Recap Monday January 10, 2011
1) Start every morning with a glass of water.
Woke up at 4:45 and got going early. I did drink my glass of water before heading out the door.
2) Eat real food.
I ate some non-real food today - a chocolate croissant, and then an old fashioned chocolate donut. That is the trouble with running on too little sleep -- your mind tries to compensate by adding easily accessible fuel -- and some type of happiness inducing chemicals to make you feel better about pushing yourself too far too hard too long. I compensated the slice of pizza at lunch with the healthy collard green tomato & red bell pepper lunch I had brought.
3) Do 25 sit ups every day.
50 sits ups later - I don't feel so bad about the above entry. I did the Cindy Crawford "Next Challenge" style sit ups. She lays back and stretches her super model arms out and then lifts using her arms and then stretches her arms out infront of her. I feel it in my abs, but also in my arms. And I love the idea of having long slender arms. I used to have trouble fitting my arms into shirt sleeves - when I weighed 100lbs more than I do now. It is such a treat to get to buy a shirt off the rack in the store without trying it on, knowing that it will fit.
4) Walk, move, step, march, dance etc for 20 minutes every day.
I did the Leslie Sansone Walk & Kick. Eric came in and said, "Why are you using the one pound weights? You should be using 5 lbs weights." And instead of breaking my stride I just explained I was moving my arms around more than I would with weights, and then added that I hadn't planned on using weights at all but Caitlin's weights were next to me on the floor. I agree, 5 or 10 lb weights would make more of an impact, but this was a hard day, and I didn't need anything more than my 20 minutes of walk/kick stress relief.
5) Eat 1 fruit every day.
I will have a bite of pineapple, apple or banana and call it done for today.
6) Eat 4 vegetables every day.
Thank goodness for Eric. Tonight I had mushrooms, grilled onions, mashed potato and at lunch I had the tomato red pepper sauce, oh -- and he made a salad with carrots and broccoli.
7) Get at least seven of hours sleep every night.
Yes! Going to bed at 8:30 tonight. The kids may even fall for it.
1-10 Monday - Daily Plan, Day 10 - on track to achieve all goals.
So what do you all think? She's amazing!