Today's Recap Saturday January 8, 2011
1) Start every morning with a glass of water.
I woke up and started writing on my blog. Then, I set up the next week for recap ease, and grabbed a glass of water.
2) Eat real food.
Intentionally thinking of food as real and all the rest is just food like substances is a concept I picked up from author of "The End of Overeating" - the book has a carrot and a piece of carrot cake with a icing carrot on top. Which one counts as real food according to David Kessler MD and common sense.
3) Do 25 sit ups every day.
Here I go (I paused from writing to actually do them) - 25 is a great easy beginning habit forming number for me. I'm tempted to do more, and sometimes I do -- but I can easily achieve it - which is half the challenge when setting goals you actually want to achieve.
4) Walk, move, step, march, dance etc for 20 minutes every day.
If I can get this done before the kids wake up - even better...
Nope, opted to sleep -- so now I have to fit in before dinner.
Done! I just did 20 minutes of the "Walk & Kick" episode. It is a good brisk pace and lots of kick boxing inspired movements. It feels good to get my heart rate up. My muscles feel strong.
5) Eat 1 fruit every day.
I think I will save fruit for dessert tonight. Had a banana, slightly green - like I like them. And the less ripe ones have something called resistant starch.
6) Eat 4 vegetables every day.
For breakfast I had three home made juices. The first was a carrot juice, the second was a celery juice, the third was a beet & cucumber juice.
Then I had a nice lunch with sweet potatoes, broccoli, cabbage and chicken.
7) Get at least seven of hours sleep every night.
In bed by 10, up at 6.
1-08 Saturday - Daily Plan, Day 8 - achieved all goals.
Sounds do-able! Do you dance with the children too?