Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14 of 31

Today's Recap Friday January 14, 2011

1) Start every morning with a glass of water.
Woke up before my alarm after 8 hours of sleep, then grabbed a glass of water before starting my walk.

2) Eat real food.

3) Do 25 sit ups every day.
I got these out of the way, holding the 1lb weights and doing to sit up/row combo.
I want some 3lb weights for when my muscles are too stressed for the 5's but the 1's are light as air.

4) Walk, move, step, march, dance etc for 20 minutes every day.
Completed the first 20 minutes of Leslie Sansone's 2 Mile Powerwalk. I did a 2 minute wall sit from minute 13 to 15 - they make the biggest difference when it comes to sculpting long lean muscles in my thighs. It feels great to be so awake before heading out the door.

5) Eat 1 fruit every day.

6) Eat 4 vegetables every day.

7) Get at least seven of hours sleep every night.

1-14 Friday - Daily Plan, Day 14 - feeling confident I will easily achieve all goals.

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