Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wall Sit - Video

For more details on how to do the Wall Sit you can check out Pete Cerqua's cite 90-Second Fitness at


  1. I recorded this video today of one of my favorite exercises. My son Christopher and daughter Caitlin love to climb on me when I am exercising, and today was no different. Instead of looking at it as something to avoid, I try to make a habit of including them. It isn't uncommon for me to see Cait standing on one foot saying, "I'm exercising!" It doesn't get better than that.

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2010

    You are so amazing! You are an amazing Mother, too!

  3. Wow!! That was very impressive... I am estimating that you did a 90-Second Wall Sit with an additional 65lbs when both children were on your lap!! Let's see the guys try that one : ) One mom emailed me that her child climbed on her back while she was doing the Plank... I bet that made it more intense!

    Thanks for sharing this Jennifer and keep up the good work - Pete Cerqua

  4. It was Mom and I am not annonymous!
