Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 6 of 31

Today's Recap Thursday January 6, 2011

Here is how today went:
1) Start every morning with a glass of water
Drank a glass of water, then re-filled it and carried it out to the car.

2) Eat real food.
Celery, and more below in vegetables.

3) Do 25 sit ups every day.
I did this before starting my walk.

4) Walk, move, step, march, dance etc for 20 minutes every day.
Leslie Sansone "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD "2 Mile Power Walk" I walked 1.5 mile in 20 minutes with 5 lb weights for part of the walk.

5) Eat 1 fruit every day.
Bought an Odwalla Superfood, which I forgot to drink. It's in the fridge at work for tomorrow. I'll have an apple tonight instead.

6) Eat 4 vegetables every day.
Bean sprouts, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, onions.

7) Get at least seven of hours sleep every night.
It is almost bedtime. Not enough hours in the day.

1-06 Thursday Daily Plan, Day 6 - achieved all goals.

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